The river I grew up with Video performance. 30mins. 2022/3 Natalia Papaeva grew up in Orlik, in Buryatia, 270 km west of Lake Baikal. Since 2013, she has lived in the Netherlands, where her practice has drawn on her strong yet emotionally fraught bond with her homeland. In her powerful video performance work Yokhor (2018), she repeats the only two […]

Slipping Earths, Embodying Time

22min Critical theorist and filmmaker, Elizabeth Povinelli in conversation with ecologist and Co-Director of Pleistocene Park, Nikita Zimov, discuss ecology’s relationship to colonialist expansion and rewilding as a process of transforming the past into the future.   Elizabeth Povinelli Bio Nikita Zimov Bio

Transit Sound work, 18 mins and video, 3 mins. 2022 Through her performance, sound, film, and written works, Himali Singh Soin invites us to view the world through her poetic lens, drawing entangled relationships between phenomena that refuse linear narration. Soin invites listeners to download her new sound work (below), to listen while in travel. […]

Dreams about Earth

< back *script synopsis: a small piece in three acts is woven from fragments of discussions and imaginaries from yakutsk, conversations with researchers, stories heard from grandmothers, reflections during walks through milky mists, memories of memories, rare winter dialogues with strangers and with ourselves. the dream takes place in timelessness. gradually voices are waking up – […]